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Barnes Pre-k 4 class

Welcome to Pre-k 4

In pre-k 4 it is all about having fun while learning! It may look like we play all day long but it is purposeful play! I love to sing and dance with my students all while learning things such as rhyming, following directions, coordination, and such. As an educator, my job is to make things as fun and as meaningful as possible so that when my students leave pre-k 4 they are more than ready to take on the magical and wonderful world of kindergarten. I love teaching and can't imagine doing anything else!

Home: Welcome


8am-Wake up/A levantarse


9am-Morning Chores/Quehaceres Matutinos

9:30am-Circle Activity/Actividad


10:20am-Language Activity/Actividad de lenguaje

11am-Recess-Free Time/Recreo-Tiempo Libre


12:30pm-Math Activities/Actividades de Matematicas

1pm-Art/P.E./Music/Arte/Educacion Fisica/Musica



3pm-Social Studies/Estudios Sociales



Note: Art will be on Monday. P.E. will be on Tuesday and Thursday. Music will be on Wednesday and Friday.


Nota: Arte-Lunes. Educacion Fisica-Martes y Juevas. Musica-Miercoles y Viernes.


Don't forget to read every day!

Lea diariamente!




Home: Class Overview


Things to Remember

Girl in Class
Girls at Recess
Children in Yoga Class
Kids Playing Treasure Hunt
Home: Tests & Assignments

Class Syllabus

In order to prepare for the upcoming semester, please review the course syllabus and find information about the course goals, reading and resources, class breakdown and more. Questions? No problem! Get in touch today.

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Home: Syllabus

Contact Me

For enquiries about me or my class, get in touch today.

5815 Alder Dr
Houston, Harris County 77081

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Home: Contact
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